Nurses Week 2024

Nurses Week 2024

Happy Nurses Week!  We recognize our nurses today and every day. Our deepest gratitude for your service to our community....
Success Story – Nov – Mr. Villareal

Success Story – Nov – Mr. Villareal

Success Story – Nov – Mr. Villareal " Read More Mr. Villarreal came to Spanish Hills Wellness Suites after being treated at the hospital for an infection. On arrival he exhibited declines in strength, ADLs, and functional mobility. His dramatic decline in...
Success Story – Nov – Mr. Villareal

Success Story – Oct – Mr. Foti

Success Story – Oct – Mr. Foti " Read More Mr. Foti came to Spanish Hills Wellness Suites over two years ago, functioning at modified independence level.His recent hospitalization caused him to be bed-bound and totally dependent with ADLs and mobility for...
Success Story – Nov – Mr. Villareal

Success Story – Sept – Ms. Soto

Success Story – Sept – Ms. Soto " Read More Ms. Soto is a long-term care resident here at Spanish Hills Wellness Suites and is on her way to returning to walking within the community after 5 years being wheelchair-bound. Through her dedication and...
Success Story – Nov – Mr. Villareal

Success Story – June – Ann

Success Story – June – Ann " Read More Ann was admitted to Spanish Hills a year ago after suffering a stroke that impacted the right side of her body, leaving her unable to control her arm or leg. Unable to safely return home she became a long-term...
Success Story – Nov – Mr. Villareal

Success Story – May – George Fischer

Success Story – May – George Fischer " Read More George was admitted to Spanish Hills after ongoing complications with Covid. At arrival, he was bed bound and required substantial assistance for all daily tasks and was unable to eat or drink. Motivated to...
Testimonial-Rodney G.

Testimonial-Rodney G.

I am a patient here at Spanish hills wellness suites my situation is that I was hit by a car ran over and left for dead I was taken to sunrise hospital where I spent a week where I had surgery done then from there taken to encompass rehabilitation center where I spent...
Testimonial-Jack Z.

Testimonial-Jack Z.

My sister was in a skilled nursing facility/hospice for the last several years in Los Angeles, California.When I went to visit her in California I could not believe the type of attention she was receiving in Los Angeles… and was worried about her passing. I came...
National Skilled Nursing Care Week 2022

National Skilled Nursing Care Week 2022

2022 National Skilled Nursing Care Week: “Creating and Nurturing Connections” The NSNCW 2022 theme, “Creating and Nurturing Connections,” will celebrate skilled nursing centers, and their residents and staff. Established as an annual, week-long observance by the...